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Parenting following sperm donation outside of a licensed clinic: MacDougall v SW and Others

Date:25 AUG 2022
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Mary Welstead CAP Fellow Harvard Law School; Visiting Professor in Family law University of Buckingham

In MacDougall v SW (2022) a sperm donor specialised in helping lesbian women to become pregnant and then demanded contact with his children. It was a case well covered by the national press. Lieven J considered the factors a court should take into account in determining such a demand and very firmly decided that the father should be excluded from his children’s lives. The judgment also discussed the basis for a court’s identification of a sperm donor and whether a restriction should be imposed to prevent him from making any further applications for contact with his children.

Although Lieven J emphasised the need to be guided by the lodestar provisions of s 1 of the Children Act 1989 she was somewhat selective towards the checklist in s 1(3) of the Act. Little attention was given to...

Read the full article here.