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Parenting Coordination And Training – An Introduction

Date:13 JUL 2017
Third slide
Gillian Bishop
Family Law in Partnership

Family Justice Reformed (second edition: June 2017) contains detailed commentary on the Single Family Court and the Children and Families Act 2014, Pts 1 and 2 (which deal with family justice), including clear and comprehensive guidance on the underlying procedural regime and the rationale for the reforms.

Parenting Coordination (or ‘PC’) started in the US as a result of the inadequacies of the legal system to assist families in transition particularly families where there is a high level of conflict. There are delays, continued litigation causing a burden on the system, limited access to therapeutic resources, lack of education and resources for families. Sound familiar?

PC began in the 1990s in California with the emergence of “special masters” whose primary function was to 'settle' disputes when parents were unable to agree – a judicially sanctioned form of head banging! The term 'parenting coordination' was coined in 1992 in Colorado. Things have evolved since then with the development of the current PC process which is exercised across the States, in Canada, South Africa and Hong Kong. It has developed into a med-arb process with a bit of parental education thrown in.

Read the full article here.