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No fault divorce - family law in need of modernisation?

Date:8 FEB 2016
Almost half of all marriages today will end in divorce. Financial freedom access to education advances in technology and moves towards gender equality are all factors which have changed our attitudes towards the longevity of marriage.

For many marriage is no longer a commitment for life and so divorce is becoming more of a commodity in modern society.

However family law has arguably failed to keep up with advances in society and changes in our approach towards relationships. Current divorce law is set out in legislation dating back to 1973 and attempts to revise this two decades ago failed.

There is however a feeling that the winds are now changing and progress may finally be made to bring about much-required modernisation of divorce law in England and Wales.

The No Fault Divorce Bill spearheaded by Richard Bacon MP received its first reading in Parliament on 13 October 2015. The second reading is scheduled for 11 March 2016 (postponed from 22 January 2016).

Australia has had no fault divorce since 1975. Other countries where no fault divorce is possible include the USA and Spain.

At present the sole ground for divorce in England and...

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