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New practice guide: Supporting children and young people with communication needs

Date:8 JUL 2024
Third slide

Communication difficulties are a core characteristic for people with a learning disability. A new four-part practice guide aims to enable decision-making by children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). 

An estimated one in ten children in the UK have long-term SLCN and it is the most common type of need among pupils with special educational needs. However, it is often considered to be a ‘hidden’ disability with children frequently missed, misinterpreted or misdiagnosed.  

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The  practice guide offers guidance, tips and practice pointers for practitioners to involve a child or young person with SLCN in making decisions about their lives. The primary focus is to ensure the voices of children and young people with SLCN are heard. 

Read the four-part practice guide here.
