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Moving the deckchairs around the Family Court

Date:29 APR 2014

Family Law special issue

The Law Society whose strap line is ‘Supporting solicitors' emailed me about the changes in family law being introduced on 22 April. I was told that they were ‘the most significant for a generation'. Really? Not last year's removal of legal aid for people caught up in family breakdowns? Made worse by the stringent cuts to the justice system that for example have reduced the number of full time judges sitting at the Principal Registry (renamed the Central Family Court from last Tuesday) from 20 to 9? Who in turn are having to deal with hoards of confused and distressed litigants in person clogging up the family court not able to get enough help from a demoralised and overworked court staff?

Apparently not according to the Ministry of Justice which used the suspiciously similar term ‘Largest for a generation' to herald the changes. Do the words deckchairs and Titanic resonate with anyone?


Read the full article here.