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Lupton Fawcett expands family team with Richard Buckley and Sophie Arrowsmith

Date:29 JAN 2019

Lupton Fawcett has recruited two family law specialists to cater for the growing number of divorce and family related clients seeking help from the Yorkshire law firm.

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Richard Buckley, who will be based in the Sheffield office, is accredited by the Law Society as an expert in Family Law, advising on issues including divorce, financial proceedings and a wide range of children’s matters.

He is also an accredited family mediator and collaborative lawyer, enabling him to assist couples to resolve issues in a cost effective and amicable way, without the need for court proceedings.

Sophie Arrowsmith, who will operate from the Leeds office, has specialised exclusively in practising Family law, advising and handling cohabitation disputes, divorce proceedings, financial disputes and settlements, as well as a broad spectrum of children’s issues.

Arrowsmith will also deal  with the with more complex children’s matters, such as removal from jurisdiction and international child abduction, working in conjunction with the international Child Abduction and Contact Unit in London.

Chris Burns, the head of the Family Law department within Lupton Fawcett, said: “Although there is a spike at this time of year, we have experienced a growing number of divorce cases and family disputes with clients seeking our advice and help across the last 12 months. It is a great reflection on the advice we give, and the way we handle matters, that many new cases come through recommendations from former clients.

Jonathan Oxley, managing partner of Lupton Fawcett, added: “Chris Burns, who was described by the Legal 500 as a’ top class advocate’, continues to build an excellent team around him. To attract high-calibre solicitors like Richard and Sophie to the firm is testament to the high esteem in which the department is held within the legal community.”
