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Lottery winners and relationship breakdown – A case of ‘winner takes all’?

Date:21 NOV 2018
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If only I could win the lottery” – a phrase we are all familiar with.

Millions dream of a life changing windfall - and this is nothing new. For those of us who are old enough to remember, the weekly football pools first created big winners. In 1994 the National Lottery brought the dream to living rooms via a live TV draw.

However, with odds of 45,057,474 - 1, statistically you are almost four times more likely to be hit by lightning, than winning the National Lottery. With EuroMillions, the odds are even worse – 139,838,160 – 1!

However, as they say “you’ve got to be in it to win it," for those who have scooped large jackpot pay-outs we hear about how this will change their lives forever. Dream home? Check. Holiday home abroad? Check. Looking after friends and family financially? Check.

One thing is certain – a lottery win is life changing – but not always in a good way, writes Silk Family Law partner Wayne Lynne. 

Read the full article here.