Adrian Barnett-Thoung-Holland is a family law barrister at Coram and his practice encompasses financial remedies and private disputes regarding children. He also advises in cases under TOLATA 1996 the Inheritance Act 1975 and applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989. He has experience in representing clients at all levels of court up to and including the Court of Appeal. He recently did a webinar on “Barder Events Indirect Contact and COVID-19” via zoom with Rachel Cooper. You can view it here.
In this blog he looks at the effect lockdown has had on legal practitioners and their practices.
The UK government in the present public health crisis maintains that anyone who can continue working from home should do so for now. And with the age of digital communications the ability to be accessed from anywhere you would have thought that the transition from being in physical spaces to digital spaces was an easy if obvious progression for many of us the family courts included. Hearings are taking place via telephone and video software and for all intents and purposes that approach seems to be working.
As with so many things in life...
Read the full article here.