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Keeping family disputes away from the courts – is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Date:17 NOV 2021
Third slide
Chief Executive, NFM

Earlier this month industry experts gathered at the Jersey International Family Law Conference 2021 to hear from a range of key spokespeople decision makers and opinion formers on a whole host of hot topics.

Perhaps most notably certainly for my colleagues and I at National Family Mediation was the address by Sir Andrew McFarlane – the residing President of the Family Division – who took the opportunity to outline some of his priorities and what it was he wants to achieve before he (in his words!) hangs up his ‘wig and flashy robes’ in three years’ time.

Of course he gave the Digital Reform Programme for Civil Family and Tribunals the necessary airtime as well as the importance of securing equal standing for the Family Court to sit alongside the Criminal and Civil Courts.

The emphasis however was firmly placed on supporting families in conflict and the resolution of Private Law disputes between parents in the context of care arrangements for children in the case of a separation or divorce.

Hear hear I say!

None of this is new rhetoric with a previous keynote speech given by...

Read the full article here.