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In anticipation of a temporary blip: Would a change in the divorce law increase the divorce rate?

Date:2 DEC 2015
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The second reading of MP Richard Bacon’s No Fault Divorce Bill is expected on the 4th of December. Despite its name it is not a hugely revolutionary Bill. It doesn’t propose to abolish divorce based on fault. Instead it aims to add a sixth reason or ‘fact’ on which a divorce can be granted. Thus if a couple both agree they will be able to divorce after a one year cooling off period. This is in addition to the two existing ‘no-fault’ facts of two years separation with the consent of the respondent to divorce or five years without their consent. The three ‘fault’ based facts of behaviour adultery or desertion would remain.

At this stage it is not clear whether the Bacon Bill will command much parliamentary support. Yet whilst the proposed change is relatively modest some voices have already raised concern that any move further towards no-fault divorce might encourage more divorces. At first reading Sir Edward Leigh stated 'We know that the preponderance of evidence suggests that we will end up having more divorces and a higher divorce rate if no fault divorce is brought in'. The...

Read the full article here.