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In a New York adoption state of mind
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Over the last couple of years there has been much public concern and comment from the senior judiciary and politicians about the time taken to decide the future of children removed from their birth families as a result of neglect or abuse.A particular concern for a care system that perceives adoption as being the 'gold standard' amongst the options for care of such children is the time taken to place children with an adoptive family.This article draws attention to similar concerns being expressed in one of the very few jurisdictions that also views non-consensual adoption in this way the United States and looks in particular at a recently commenced Federal lawsuit that challenges the failings of and seeks to impose reform in New York City's child care system.It gives a brief overview of child care law and practice in New York and includes references to sources of more detailed information. It also draws on the writer's experience of observing the New York courts in action. Interesting parallels emerge between the two jurisdictions as to the causes and extent of delay and of other failings within... Read the full article here.