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How does Child Contact work across the Tier System?

Date:30 OCT 2020

The government has with considerable controversy introduced a system of tiers across England to try to stop the second wave of the Covid-19 virus taking hold and causing significant problems within the NHS.  The system has proved difficult for many to understand and confusion of who can do what and with whom they can do it is widespread.  An area in which there is particular confusion – not helped by the Prime Minister giving unclear and incorrect guidance – is in relation to child contact.  Can it still go ahead?  What if the child is in a different tier from their parent?  What if contact would breach the ‘Rule of 6’? 

How the tier system works

The tier system is theoretically very straightforward.  Each geographic region in England is assigned a tier between 1 and 3 based on the Covid-19 risk in the area with 1 being medium risk and 3 very high.  There are separate arrangements for Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland. 

Tier 1 areas must continue to observe social distancing follow the ‘Rule of 6’ and observe a 10pm curfew for bars and restaurants. 

Tier 2 areas must do...

Read the full article here.