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HMCTS blog highlights the use of video hearing due to COVID-19
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HM Courts & Tribunals Service has published a blog detailing the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on hearings. Pre-pandemic, HMCTS states that the use of video technology for live participation in hearing was tested, as part of the video hearings project within the HMCTS Reform programme. The blog details that the use of video hearing can reduce the need for travel, which is better for them and the environment as well as reduce stress. With the option of participants joining via video, courtrooms can be used more effectively and can reduce the need for hearings to be postponed on short notices.
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The blog also mentions that in some circumstances remote hearing will not always be appropriate and it will always be at the discretion of the judge. The future of remote hearings is also considered, with the expectation that video hearings will continue to be integral to the 21st century justice system and used in hearings where the judge considers appropriate.
You can read the blog post here.