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Hearing the voices of children and young people in dispute resolution processes: promoting a child-inclusive approach (£)
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JANET WALKER OBE Emeritus Professor of Family Policy Institute of Health and Society Newcastle University
ANGELA LAKE-CARROLL Independent Consultant Mediator and TrainerIn July 2014 the Coalition Government outlined its commitment to children having a greater voice in family justice proceedings heralding changes for all family law practitioners. Earlier in 2014 we reviewed child-inclusive practice for the Mediation Task Force having consulted mediators and members of the Family Justice Young People’s Board. The young people expressed strong views about wanting the opportunity to communicate with those making decisions about their future and importantly were unanimous that mediators should talk to children. Innovations in other jurisdictions have shown that child-inclusive practice has positive outcomes for children and their parents and that children can participate safely and constructively. Yet few children here are offered the opportunity to be heard either in dispute resolution processes or the courts.
We discovered a number of confusions that inhibit child-inclusive practice primarily relating to its purpose confidentiality and privilege...
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