When we think about Lasting Powers of Attorney we usually think about property and financial affairs. There is, however, a second type of Lasting Power of Attorney which relates to health and care.
In the current circumstances, it may be particularly relevant and important to consider putting in place health and care Lasting Powers of Attorney.
A health and care Lasting Power of Attorney gives your attorneys the authority to make decisions relating to your medical treatment (including, if you wish, relating to life sustaining treatment), where you live (including whether you should move into a care home) and your day to day care (including things to do with your daily routine and diet) if you do not have the capacity to make such decisions yourself.
It is important to note that capacity can fluctuate. You may have capacity to make one decision but not another, you may have capacity on one day but not the next. When you can, you will, of course, make decisions for yourself and your attorneys must assist you to make decisions for yourself where possible. Where that is not possible, your attorneys will make decisions for you in your best interests.
Read the full article here.