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Have you seen the View? Toolkit 13 Vulnerable Witnesses and Parties in the Family Courts

Date:6 OCT 2015
This articles describes how Toolkit 13 Vulnerable Witnesses and Parties in the Family Courts came about and the guidance within it. The toolkit appears on the website of The Advocate’s Gateway a free online resource with best practice advice for advocates working with vulnerable people.

Toolkit 13 Vulnerable Witnesses and Parties in the Family Courts was launched on The Advocate’s Gateway in November 2014. It sits alongside a host of free resources including a training film case-law summaries and other toolkits on using remote link questioning child witnesses understanding learning disabilities questioning someone with autism using communication aids etc.

The article describes the purpose of Toolkit 13 and includes many good practice examples that illustrate special adjustments that have been made for vulnerable witnesses and parties in family cases. It also gives examples of the use of intermediaries and ground rules for hearings in family cases.

The author is the chair of The Advocate’s Gateway and was a member of the working group led by Elizabeth Isaacs QC which...

Read the full article here.