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Government call for evidence on domestic abuse and family courts

Date:24 JUL 2019
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Survivors of domestic abuse and other harmful conduct are being invited to share their experiences of how well the family courts protects them and their children in private family law proceedings. 

The Government call for evidence is part of a three-month project overseen by a panel of experts, aimed at throwing a spotlight on how the family courts manage the safety and well-being of children when there is a risk of domestic abuse.
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Responding to concerns raised recently, including in the Government’s Domestic Abuse Consultation, the review will also consider the use of ‘barring orders’- court orders which can prevent abusive parents from making further court applications that can often serve to simply re-traumatise their victims.

Justice Minister Paul Maynard said: ‘Domestic abuse destroys lives, which is why survivors and their children must have every confidence that they will be protected in the family courts. Just this week we introduced legislation that will ban abusers from cross-examining their victims in the family courts, and throughout our review we will be engaging with victims across the country to make sure we are doing all we can to protect them further.’

The call for evidence includes an option to submit via email or post. It will be open for 6 weeks before closing on 26 August. Evidence can be submitted here
