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Going on holiday? Don’t forget the children...

Date:8 AUG 2017
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Family law expert, Lawyer

Stala Charalambous is a family law expert

Passport, check; flight tickets, check: luggage, check; permission to take the children? Why check?

If you are proposing to travel on holiday with a child, do you have permission to do so from either the other parent or other person with parental responsibility, the court or if you are not the parent, the child’s parents to do so? If you do not, you could be found to have ‘abducted the child/children’ if you travel without this. Child abduction is a criminal offence. It is defined as the unlawful removal or retention of a child under 16 without lawful excuse. The definition is found in the Child Abduction Act 1984.

Read the full article here.