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Gender recognition and parenthood

Date:7 OCT 2019
Third slide

Jeremy Ford a Solicitor-Advocate at Cambridge Family Law Practice acted pro bono on behalf of the Litigation Friend for the child at the centre of the landmark case of TT v Registrar General of England and Wales and Secretary of State for Health and Social Careheard by the President of the Family Division.  The judgment was handed down on 25 September 2019 and has been reported as TT R (On the Application Of) v The Registrar General for England and Wales[2019] EWHC 2384 (Fam) (25 September 2019)

The case

The claimant TT is a transgender male who gave birth to his child in January 2018 arising from intrauterine insemination (IUI) fertility treatment using his own eggs.

TT was registered as female at birth and at the age of 22 he transitioned to live in the male gender. In January 2017 he applied for a Gender Recognition Certificate.  The certificate was issued on 11 April 2017.  Pursuant to the Gender Recognition Act 2004 s 9(1) this meant that he acquired the male gender for all purposes’.

The IUI took place on 21 April 2017 which led to the successful birth of YY.

The issue in the proceedings that followed was whether...

Read the full article here.