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Free Drug and Alcohol test care guides to share with your clients (and save you time)

Date:19 APR 2022
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Cansford Laboratories have designed a series of free care guides to share with your clients if they about to undergo a drug or alcohol test.

Cansford realises your workload is stressful and you may not have time to sit and explain the complexities of testing. If your clients are scared of testing or have questions then the guides are ideal, available in sharable, bitesize chunks of information which are both computer and mobile friendly

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There are downloadable booklets, videos and audio guides, plus an Easy Read-Easy Watch  version if your clients are disabled or have low reading comprehension.

"Also…if they're prepared beforehand, they are less likely to do a runner”, according to a senior partner who now uses the Cansford materials for his own client use.

All you have to do is send your clients the web link so they can read or watch in their own time. Click here for the guides.