The new Form D81 the document that sets out the financial and other information in support of an application to approve financial consent orders was recently published by Mr Justice Mostyn the Financial Remedies Financial Lead Judge and HHJ Hess the Deputy National Lead Judge. All applications for approval of consent orders should use this new Form D81 in place of the previous version although the old version will still be accepted if signed on or before 18 February 2022. All applications for consent orders after that time must use the new Form D81.
It seems clear that this revision is an important part of the modernization of the consent order approval and in particular will complement the digital / online consent order system that has been rolled out nationally and which is now firmly up and running. In addition the standardization of the way that financial material is submitted to the courts that the new D81 demands also echoes the new ‘efficiency’ edict requiring parties to submit joint asset schedules for FDR’s and Final Hearings and the like in...
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