Graeme Fraser Partner OGR Stock Denton LLP
Remote hearings contribute positively to achieving just and fair decisions. They increase efficiency by negating the need for court space and reducing unproductive travelling. Ongoing use does not however mean the entire dispensation of in-person hearings. We can expect future improvements and refinement of remote hearings including systems or platforms that enable parties to access shared documents so that all relevant information is taken into account. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to guide litigants in person to understand proceedings better. AI platforms could collect and test witness evidence by detecting and scrutinising inconsistencies. AI could also assist judges in their decision making by scrutinising their reasoning for cognitive biases the omission of relevant facts and consistency with previous decisions in similar past cases. This would enhance the family court’s ability to reach fair and just decisions by legitimate methods. As technology develops further the benefits they offer are likely to become clearer. While implementation is likely to make a positive contribution in assessing what we want to see used in the family court we should think...
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