Our articles are written by experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics and professionals from a range of related disciplines. Family Law provides a platform for debate for all the important topics, from divorce
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Family Law team raise over £3,100 for legal charities
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TUES 19/05/2009 - The Family Law team have smashed their fundraising target of £2,000 by collecting over £3,100 in sponsorship for the London Legal Support Trust.
The team beat their target on Monday with the help of a kind donation of £750 from 29 Bedford Row the chambers of family law barrister Clare Renton (pictured far left below) a member of the Family Law team.
Family Law Editor Liz Walsh set up her team and began fundraising four-and-a-half weeks ago and in that short time there have been over eighty donations. Family Law would like to sincerely thank all those who have donated and everyone who took part.
Over 4,000 lawyers completed the 10k London Legal Sponsored Walk on Monday evening and raised a record £380,000 in the process. The money will be used to help legal advice centres and pro bono charities in London and the Home Counties.
Family Law team was led by editor Liz Walsh who was joined by Clare Renton, Sarah Cove, Natalie Friday, Michelle Uppal, Beth Paterson, Nargis Ravzi and Tony Symes.