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Family Drug and Alcohol Court: an introduction

Date:20 DEC 2016
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Sophie Kershaw and Mike Shaw Co-Directors of the FDAC National Unit
Mary Ryan RyanTunnardBrown and FDAC National Unit

This is the first of a new blog in Family Law that will be coming from the FDAC National Unit staff partners and from local FDAC multi-disciplinary teams and FDAC Judges. We hope that our blogs will provide you with information about new FDACs and developments in the FDAC model and about the issues raised from the research into FDAC. We are delighted to have an opportunity to raise these issues with a wider audience and look forward to getting your feedback.

Just a quick recap – FDAC started as a pilot in London in January 2008 pioneered by well-known retired District Judge Nicholas Crichton. FDAC has been running ever since in London and has slowly started spreading around England. Family Drug and Alcohol Courts (FDACs) offer an alternative approach to ordinary care proceedings. The FDAC judge holds fortnightly court reviews with parents in addition to the usual court hearings with lawyers present. A specialist multi-disciplinary FDAC team works closely with the judge and other professionals to provide intensive treatment and support for...

Read the full article here.