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Family Court funding: 2015

Date:9 JAN 2015
Third slide
Solicitor Advocate

Sources of state funding in the family courts

Two cases have been published already this New Year from different parts of the meagre family courts state funding scene (for a review of that scene see ‘State funding for family proceedings: Part 3: Sources of family proceedings funding’ [2014] Fam Law 1745 by David Burrows). Each case deals with different funding sources. Re K and H raises the point as in the context of whether HMCTS should fund the taking of evidence from a vulnerable witness (and see Q v Q; Re B; Re C (Private Law: Public Funding) [2014] EWFC 31 [2015] 1 FLR (forthcoming and reported at [2014] Fam Law 1398 Sir James Munby P). The legal aid question which the judge addressed was largely a cul-de-sac. The other case – known as Re D (No 2) it has had some notoriety already – raised a relatively simple legal aid means and merits test issue. (There had been Human Rights Act 1998 jurisdiction question which seems largely – and unaccountably – to have dissipated: Re DE...

Read the full article here.