Working Together - now Working Together to Safeguard Children - has a long history both as a document and as an imperative for protection of children. It runs back till the aftermath of the 1987 Cleveland Report which with Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA [1986] 1 AC 112 [1986] 1 FLR 224 were all part of the impetus which lead to Children Act 1989. It was re-published in March 2013 and the new version comes into operation on 15 April 2013.
Anyone concerned in any way in dealing with children in a professional capacity should be familiar with it. Of the readers of this note those concerned with Working Together as part of their practice will include mediators who see children lawyers on the children panel and other lawyers who advise or otherwise see children - judges perhaps. It applies to all those who ‘are engaged in activities in relation to children' (s...
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