As recently as 10 years ago police and prosecutors in the UK turned a blind eye to domestic abuse considering it unimportant and ‘lesser’ to other forms of violence. Victims were turned away and left to fend for themselves often in situations where young children were involved. We now know that children living in violent homes even if they are just bystanders witnessing violence and not directly involved in domestic abuse themselves go on to experience both short and long term difficulties. It is estimated that at least 750 000 children a year witness acts of domestic violence.
One of the defining features of domestic violence is that it is rarely an isolated incident: around 76% of all domestic violence acts are repeat events which tend to become more severe over time. Two women a week are killed by partners or ex partners and disturbing information is now coming to light in relation to domestic violence experienced by men: approximately 9% of all reported violent crimes are domestic violence cases involving male victims. Access to support then is vital.
Legal Aid has been an important form...
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