The window of opportunity to submit evidence as part of the Government’s Dispute Resolution in England and Wales consultation has now passed and I am sure that dozens of experts and interested parties with experience in this field took the opportunity to respond with their own ‘frontline insights’ and ‘tangible examples’.
I was one such respondent with evidence submitted on behalf of all of the National Family Mediation members collated following many decades of working exclusively with families experiencing divorce and separation.
Sadly however I can’t quash the feeling of Déjà vu as we find ourselves back on the familiar merry-go-round of consultations and (dare I say it?) naval gazing.
Of course we all hope that in due course the evidence submitted will result in meaningful change and investment at some point in the not too distant future which will facilitate mediation in conflict situations and scenarios across the board but it does little to address the very real and immediate need for alternative means of dispute resolution in the here and now.
The significant logjams within the family courts have been widely publicised for many years now ...
Read the full article here.