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Designation of Care and Supervision Orders: key themes and practical advice

Date:10 MAR 2025
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Shiva Ancliffe KC, Coram Chambers

Caroline Croft, Coram Chambers

In this article Shiva Ancliffe KC and Caroline Croft set out the law in relation to the designation of care and supervision orders, highlighting the relevant statutory provisions and extracting the key points from the case law. This article was written in response to the perception the law in respect of designation of public law orders is complex and the fact that there are cases where it is not immediately obvious which local authority should be designated.  The authors address the most commonly encountered issues in this area of the law and provide guidance that practitioners can use to help navigate issues of designation. The article also offers practical guidance based on the authors’ experiences of cases where designation of care and supervision orders is in issue.  

The full article has published in the March issue of Family Law.  Find out more or request a free 1-week trial of Family Law journal. Please quote: 100482

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