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Dealing with estate administration

Date:22 MAY 2020
Third slide

It is the job of Executors (appointed under a Will) or Administrators (entitled by law where there is no Will) to deal with administering the estate of someone who has died.

Acting as an Executor or Administrator is a big responsibility - where there is a risk of personal liability and comes at an emotional time.

Executors or Administrators may therefore find it helpful to take legal advice to help them better understand the estate administration process and their duties. There are a range of legal assistance options available to Executors and Administrators ranging from instructing a solicitor to provide initial advice regarding the estate administration process and duties of Executors and Administrators right through to instructing a solicitor to deal with the entire process on their behalf.

Broadly speaking the estate administration process involves:

  • Locating the current original Will (if not already in your possession). This may be in the deceased’s possession at a law firm local to the deceased or registered at a central Will registry.
  • Ascertaining the assets and liabilities of the estate as at the date of death and their values. This information may be found amongst the deceased's possessions; although it is likely enquiries will need to...

Read the full article here.