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DAA 2021 – cross examination and s 31: a re-cap

Date:30 MAY 2023
Third slide

Luke McLean, Barrister, Garden Court Chambers

Luke McLean, Barrister at Garden Court Chambers provides a review of Section 65 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 which prohibits cross-examination of alleged victims by alleged perpetrators in Family Law proceedings. Following the passing of the legislation, it is now a legal requirement for the court to consider whether an alleged victim of Domestic Abuse should be prohibited from cross examining the alleged perpetrator and alleged perpetrator from cross examining the alleged victim. The court shall also consider whether to appoint a qualified legal representative paid for by central government funds to conduct cross-examination on behalf of the parties if there is no satisfactory alternative means for a witness to be cross-examined.

The full article will be published in the May issue of Family Law



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Read the full article here.