Mark Saunders Park Square Barristers
As time has moved on and lawyers are more used to conducting cases online and using electronic resources it is useful to remind ourselves about the rules that underpin our work. Clients regularly seek guidance about what they can and cannot share with others and what they can put online. Of course proceedings relating to children are private and should remain confidential.
The case of Her Majesty’s A-G v Hartley (Contempt) [2021] EWHC 2473 provides a clear steer as to how the courts deal with these issues. The Defendant was the father of children who were the subject of Family Court proceedings. After those proceedings had concluded it was alleged that he uploaded information about the case onto Facebook. The DFJ referred the matter to the Attorney General who commenced committal proceedings. After a number of hearings the court sentenced the Defendant to 10 months in prison. He was also ordered to pay the costs of the proceedings in the sum of £22 423 not to be enforced without leave of...
Read the full article here.