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Complexities that can arise in relocation cases: immigration and problematic ISW input

Date:4 MAR 2025
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Cordelia Williams, Barrister, Pump Court Chambers

This article helps to inform child relocation cases where immigration is a key feature. It includes a list of suggested immigration questions to consider when taking instructions from a client, or seeking advice from an expert. It features the interplay between the Family Courts and the Home Office, and highlights the key cases and government guidance in this area. Practical considerations, and arguments that may be relevant for relocation cases, are discussed. The case of G v H (Relocation to Australia: Immigration Issues) [2024] EWFC 230 (B) is examined in some detail.

 The article also addresses relocation cases that feature poor quality input from an ISW, where the court chooses to give no weight to an ISW’s recommendation.

The full article has published in the February issue of Family Law.  Find out more or request a free 1-week trial of Family Law journal. Please quote: 100482

Read the full article here.