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Child Maintenance Service fees and charges introduced

Date:3 JUL 2014

On 30 June 2014 a system of collection charges and fees are being levied for people applying to the Child Maintenance Service for assistance with claiming child maintenance. Some fees will be applicable immediately and some are due to come into effect on 11 August 2014.

All new applicants to the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) from 30 June 2014 will be charged a one-off application fee of £20. There are certain exemptions to this fee; it will not apply to applicants who are a victim of domestic violence and have reported this to an appropriate person or organisation are residents of Northern Ireland or are aged under 19. There is a list of the appropriate agencies to whom a domestic violence report can have been made at https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/261882/child-support-fees-who-to-report-domestic-violence-to.pdf

Direct Pay or Collect and Pay

Applicants to the CMS will receive a calculation of the amount of child maintenance to be paid. The parents can then either arrange for payment to be made between themselves from the paying parent to the parent with care known...

Read the full article here.