‘No children or pets' - child exclusion in privately rented housing by Jill Morgan 1
Shared residence in England and New Zealand - a comparative analysis by Caroline Bridge 12
A discriminating education - collective worship in schools by Carolyn Hamilton and Bob Watt 28
The child assessment order - a reassessment by Ruth Lavery 47
Parental participation in case conferences by Diana Savas 57
The termination of a periodic tenancy by one of two joint tenants: Crawley Borough Council v Ure; Harrow London Borough Council v Johnstone by Catherine Williams and Peter Luxton 65
Welfare of the child - conflicting interests and conflicting principles: Re T and E (Proceedings: Conflicting Interests) by Valerie Cromack and Martin Parry 72
Children's evidence in criminal cases: R v Hampshire; R v Rawlings by Mary Childs 81