Can the centre hold? Reflections on two decades of family law reform in Australia by John Dewar 377
The new family: challenges to American family law by Cynthia Grant Bowman 387
Harmonisation of substantive family law in Europe: myths and reality by Masha Antokolskaia 397
‘Bright line rules may be appropriate in some cases, but not where the object is to promote the welfare of the child': Barring in the best interests of the child? by Helen Reece 422
Challenging presumptions: legal parenthood and surrogacy arrangements by Kirsty Horsey 449
Shared residence: a review of recent research evidence by Liz Trinder 475
The misfortune of being straightforward? The impact of Re W on children giving evidence in care proceedings by Matthew Hall 499
Law, Literature, and the Transmission of Culture in England, 1837-1925, Cathrine O. Frank by Daniel Monk 512
Breaking Up Blues: a Guide to Survival and Growth, Denise Cullington by Chris Barton 516