Losing it? Losing what? The law and dementia by Jonathan Herring 3
The caustic dichotomy - political vision and resourcing in the care system by Alistair MacDonald 30
The experience of relationship breakdown and civil law problems by people in different forms of relationship by Joanna Miles, Pascoe Pleasence, and Nigel J. Balmer 47
Children giving evidence through special measures in the criminal courts: progress and problems by Matthew Hall 65
Re C (A Child) (Adoption: Duty of Local Authority) - Welfare and the rights of the birth family in ‘fast track' adoption cases by Brian Sloan 87
A common intention or a rare bird? Proprietary interests, personal claims and services rendered by lovers post-acquisition: James v Thomas; Morris v Morris by Nick Piska 104
Parenting After Partnering: Containing Conflict After Separation, Mavis Maclean (ed) by Robert H. George 122
Tensions Between Legal, Biological And Social Conceptions Of Parentage, Ingeborg Schwenzer (ed) by Jens M. Scherpe 127