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Can I Change my Maintenance Order owing to the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Date:3 APR 2020
Third slide

Prompted by the helpful commentary by my colleague Megan Bennie which you can read here as well as a number of enquiries via the iFLG website over the last week or so I have been considering the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis on spousal maintenance.

Whilst there are many pressing issues affecting us all personally as well as professionally at this time one of the great many worries for many is the affordability of outgoings when our incomes might be being scaled back. This might be the usual standards of rent mortgage payments and groceries. Or new outgoings prompted by the crisis whether it be subscriptions to Zoom (professional) or Netflix Amazon and Now TV (just to pass the time) other distractions for self and children or 300 toilet rolls. Like those toilet rolls it all stacks up.

What of maintenance?

Not a question on everyone’s lips right now but as family lawyers we will be asked this question over the coming weeks.

Many Court orders dating back several years will have provided for spousal maintenance based on projected incomes. The thought at that time even as recently as...

Read the full article here.