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Calais’ child refugees - leaked emails, law suits and local authority mission impossibles

Date:4 NOV 2016
As Britain accepts the first group of children from the fast-disappearing Calais 'Jungle' the lack of government organisation care and accommodation for these young refugees is nothing short of a scandal. Now social workers are left to pick up the pieces but can an already desperate child protection system provide the necessary support?

Photos of the burning refugee camp at Calais and bleeding unaccompanied children have flooded the covers of newspapers all week so you’d be forgiven for thinking the government had little time to prepare for what could now be an intake of around 1 000 child refugees. The truth is less charitable. Leaked emails confirm that the government had over 3 months to prepare for their arrival and instead chose to bury its head in the sand and do nothing. A move (or lack thereof) causing charity Help Refugees to mount a legal action against the government for failure to discharge its duties under the Dubs Amendment which requires the government to relocate an agreed number of unaccompanied refugee children to the UK from other European countries.

The events...

Read the full article here.