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Book Review on Cohabitation: Law, Practice and Precedents (8th Edition)

Date:15 JAN 2021
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It is 27 years since Denzil Lush first produced this book some subsequent editions of which one has had the pleasure of reviewing for Family Law and which for some reason does not figure as much as it might in ‘scholarly’ treatments of shack-up law. Going on the regularity of its reappearances eg the mere three-year gap since the 7th edition buyers would seem to be more impressed. Like actors in The Mousetrap the authors come and go but District Judge Helen Wood - now the book’s Detective Sergeant Trotter - has been the lead name since the 2nd 2001 edition (now available for £2.99).

One reason for its success confirming the comprehensive coverage of what one might expect from the title is the structure. The justification for its continuing use goes far beyond ‘If it ain’t broke don’t fix it’. So there are still ten labyrinthian -  the ‘Contents Section’ alone is 38 pages long – chapters produced by the six authors. The titles are: Property; Cohabitation Agreements (still not ‘Contracts' surprisingly); Taxation of Unmarried Couples; Personal Protection; Children; Death and Succession; Pension Rights of...

Read the full article here.