Family Law is pleased to announce the release of four new audioCPD podcasts: Handle with Care: DIY Disclosure and Imerman; The Treatment of Trusts in Ancillary Relief; All you need to know about Radmacher v Granatino, and; Ancillary Relief Case Law Update.
In Handle with Care: DIY Disclosure and Imerman, Harry Oliver, junior counsel for Mr Imerman in ancillary relief proceedings, discusses the implications of the Court of Appeal judgment for practitioners and clients. He advises practitioners on how to identify confidential information, what to do when faced with a client holding confidential material and alternative measures to self help discovery.
The Treatment of Trusts in Ancillary Relief is presented by Tim Scott QC, a leading family law barrister who has appeared in various cases involving trusts including C v C (Variation of Post Nuptial Settlement). He provides insights into the Court's powers to deal with settlements, topical content about the treatment of trusts and the latest case law analysis.
All you need to know about Radmacher v Granatino is also presented by Tim Scott QC, who discusses the seminal decision of the Supreme Court in Radmacher v Granatino.
Finally, Ancillary Relief Case Law Update is presented by barrister Katherine Kelsey who provides up to the minute expert case law analysis and commentary on current trends in relation to variation of maintenance applications and capital division in the ongoing uncertain economic climate. Katherine discusses key developments, the approach to division of pre and post acquired income and assets as well as the latest procedural developments.
Each podcast can be downloaded onto the listener's computer or MP3 player to be listened to immediately or at a more convenient time.
After listening to the podcast, practitioners can complete an online assessment enabling them to gain 1 CPD point. All of the programmes are fully accredited by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, Institute of Legal Executives and Bar Standards Board. The listener can also keep track of all of their CPD points online with the Family Law CPDtracker service.
Launched in just two months ago, Family Law's audioCPD have already proven very popular with busy practitioners. There are now 25 different podcasts to download with more being added each month. Each podcast falls under one of four specialisations: Agreements; Ancillary Relief; Public and Private Children Law; and Hot Topics.
Click here to view the complete range of Family Law audioCPD podcasts.