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At what age can a child choose who to live with?

Date:15 MAY 2020

At what age can a child choose who to live with? A child cannot legally decide who they want to live with until the age of 16 unless there is a child arrangement order in place that has been extended until they are 17 or 18 years old. 

Until then it is ultimately the decision of the parents to decide or if they cannot agree a child arrangement order will specify where the child lives. 

How do you decide who a child lives with after a divorce?

Deciding how the children will spend their time with both parents after a divorce or separation is one of the most important decisions to make. 

It is the decision of the parents to decide who is going to be the primary care-giver (meaning the person the child lives with) and the time spent with the non-resident parent. 

What if both parents agree?

For some families the decision will be clear while for others for example if one parent works away frequently it is more complicated.

The right choice should be the one that meets the best interest of the children  not the parents and there are many options open as to how children split their time between their...

Read the full article here.