In the ever evolving world of modern families increasing numbers of clients are coming through our doors with questions about conception using a sperm donor.
Whilst altruistic sperm donations often fly under the radar it is important for those considering sperm donation (both prospective parents and donors) to understand the legal position before they embark upon their journey. Not only does it help each party to know where they stand it also helps to prevent costly litigation further down the line.
Anecdotally it seems altruistic sperm donation from a sperm donor known to the prospective parents is becoming more common. What is not clear is how many of those donations given with goodwill; lead to stressful legal proceedings or at the very least parties feeling hurt and confused.
What most prospective donors and parents do not realise is that in the case of donation at home the method of conception (either artificial insemination or intercourse) is crucially important from a legal perspective. If the prospective parents are married or in a civil partnership the deciding factor as to who is the second legal parent of the child (with the first being the person...
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