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ALC Outstanding Newcomer nominations
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The Association of Lawyers for Children (ALC) is looking for nominations for the 'Outstanding Newcomer in the Field of Children Law' award. The award will be presented by Lady Brenda Hale at the ALC annual conference dinner on 20 November 2015 in Manchester.
Now in its eleventh year, the ALC's Outstanding Newcomer in the Field of Children Law Award in memory of David Hershman QC is looking for its 2015 winner. The aim of the award is to recognise the contributions of newcomers to the field of child law, and to encourage them to continue to play an active role in shaping the future. Previous nominations have included university students, barristers and solicitors who might have demonstrated an ability for supporting clients, or have researched points of law or have helped with training, developed new ideas and initiatives or represented parties in a particularly noteworthy case.
To be eligible:
- Nominees must be solicitors, barristers, trainees, pupils or students;
- Nominees must have been working in the field of child law for 5 years or less;
- The proposer must feel that the nominee has made a contribution to good practice, facilitating children's voices or the development of the field of child law.
To nominate someone:
- Entries must be between 250-1000 words, identifying relevant achievements and/or characteristics;
- Nominations must make it clear that the nominee has been working in the field of child law for 5 years or less;
- Nominations must include full contact details for both the nominees and their proposer;
- Entries must be received by close of business on Monday 2nd November. Send entries via email to admin@alc.org.uk
The 26th ALC Conference takes place at the Midland Hotel, Manchester from 19 - 21 November 2015, and is entitled 'Are we nearly there yet? A child's journey through the Family Justice System'. The Rt Hon Lady Hale DBE, Deputy President of the Supreme Court, will deliver this year's keynote speech.
To register for the conference visit
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