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Adoptions, outcomes and placements for children looked after by local authorities in Wales: year ending 31 March 2014

Date:24 SEP 2014
Third slide
Senior Editor
The Welsh Government has published an annual report that presents information on children on care orders and other children provided with accommodation by their local authority.

The key points include:
  • 5,756 children were looked after on 31 March 2014, a decrease of 8 (0.1 per cent) over the previous year and a rate of 91 per 10,000 population aged under 18. The number of looked after children has increased by 23 per cent over the last five years, but has remained relatively stable over the last three years.
  • There were 478 children looked after at 31st March 2014 (8 per cent) who had three or more placements in 2013-14.
  • The number of children adopted increased by 16 (5 per cent) over the previous year.
  • Local authorities were in touch with 93 per cent of 19 year old care leavers; 51 per cent of 19 year old care leavers were known to be in education, training or employment.
Click here to read the full report.

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