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A day in the life Of...
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A day in the life of ... Paul Infield

Date:7 JUN 2019
Third slide
Barrister, Mediator, Family Arbitrator

What is your position and what do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I am a barrister family arbitrator and mediator. I do family finance work from 36 Family 4 Field Court Gray's Inn.

How long have you been in this role and what brought you here?

I was called in 1980 so nearly 39 years though I’ve only been at 36 Family for 5 years. It is really the only job I ever wanted to do. My grandfather was a silk and I remember going to court with him when I was 14 or 15 and being absolutely fascinated by it.

Any memorable stories from your career so far?

Probably the most memorable was the case in which I had to cross-examine a husband on a judgment summons who had dressed up as Darth Vader (complete with the mask and the cape - security at the RCJ having already taken his ‘light-sabre’ off him). I began with one fairly mild question and he responded with a volley of several minutes of foul abuse. So I asked the judge Wilson J. whether he thought that there was any point in...

Read the full article here.