Graeme receiving his award for Family Law Commentator of the Year at The Family Law Awards 2018
I am a Partner at OGR Stock Denton in North London and I specialise in complex financial remedy claims and TOLATA Cohabitation. I will become Head of Department in May. I am also Chair of Resolution’s Cohabitation Committee which has an agenda to improve the laws in relation to cohabitation; promote good practice; and provide specialist skills training for family law professionals.
I have been a solicitor since 1996 a Partner since 2011 and became Chair of the Cohabitation Committee in 2015. I come from a family of lawyers. My father was a solicitor for 40 years and at one time chaired the Law Society's Legal Aid Appeals Committee. My uncle was a Circuit Judge for many years in London and the South East. One of my cousins has been a Federal Court Judge in Australia for about 10 years.
I can’t be fact specific...
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