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A day in the life Of...
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A Day in the Life of ... David Williams QC

Date:11 OCT 2016
Queen's Counsel and Mediator

What is your position and what you do on a day-to-day basis?

I am a QC and Recorder. No two days are the same – that is the great privilege in what I do. One day I might be in the High Court trying to prevent the return of a child to Somalia and the threat of FGM the next sitting as judge deciding an application for an interim care order to remove a child from her parents and the next arguing in the Court of Appeal about the extent of the parens patriae jurisdiction. The next week I might spend all of it writing – either a book or a skeleton argument.

How long have you been in this role and what brought you here?

I became a barrister in 1990 started specialising in children work and international cases in about 2005 and took silk in 2013. My wife and children would say I do what I do because I like arguing. I like to think it is a bit more nuanced than that. The work I do combines the satisfaction of really being able to help someone in a crisis by making a difference with the challenge...

Read the full article here.