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A day in the life Of...
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A day in the life of ... ​Amanda Crutchley (Pro Bono Coordinator at University of Law in Bristol)

Date:6 NOV 2015
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Amanda Crutchley  Pro Bono Coordinator at University of Law Bristol

This article was written in support of National Pro Bono Week running from 2–6 November 2015.

National Pro Bono Week is a nationwide campaign to celebrate the range and impact of voluntary free legal services provided by the legal profession. Support the campaign on Twitter using #NPBW2015 and #WeDoProBono

What is your position and what do you do on a day to day basis?

I am the Pro Bono Coordinator at the University of Law in Bristol. My remit in this role is to encourage support and supervise undergraduate and postgraduate law students partaking in appropriate pro bono activities. Activities range from facilitating legal workshops in schools to providing advice on a range of social welfare issues at a homeless charity. Hopefully this will help students develop essential legal skills and client care but also will demonstrate to them the importance of lawyers engaging in pro bono advice and assistance and appreciating that there is a real need for access to justice for...

Read the full article here.