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A common purpose, a common humanity—lessons from the Charlie Gard case

Date:1 AUG 2017
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David Locke
Hill Dickinson

Family Justice Reformed (second edition: June 2017) contains detailed commentary on the Single Family Court and the Children and Families Act 2014, Pts 1 and 2 (which deal with family justice), including clear and comprehensive guidance on the underlying procedural regime and the rationale for the reforms.

It is an unhappy feature of modern society that neither limited access to the relevant facts, or limited understanding of due process, are seen as an impediment to comment, outrage or protest. Few circumstances ever brought before the courts could be as profoundly sad as a contested medical proposal to withdraw treatment from a grievously ill child. The invariably determined dignity of the families in such situations is to be admired. So too society should recognise the heavy burden on the medical professionals and the judges who are obliged to adjudicate on the very matter of life and death. In such circumstances, all those standing outside that immediate circle would do well to reflect a long-while on the privilege of their positions, before venturing their views in what are frequently strident terms.

Read the full article here.